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Our Difference

Komo teaches the skills and strategies needed to succeed not only on the next test or essay, but in life. When students learn HOW to learn and build essential skills like time management and focus, their grades go up and stress goes down. Our approach is proven and powerful for neurotypical and neurodiverse students alike, and we recognize that student success doesn't exist in a vacuum. This is why we also equip parents with best-in-class resources for raising confident teens who can thrive on their journey from classroom to career.


What did you like best about your Komo experience?

They actually care and SHOW that they care for you personally and academically. I don't usually want advice on school from my Mom and to be honest I don't like tutors, but this was different. Kelsey made me feel smart and more motivated.

Kelsey is so patient and understanding and helped me get through my schoolwork in like half the time it usually takes me. I didn't know that focus was a skill I could learn, and knowing that I can choose to be "mission-oriented" to get my work done has been helpful.

I enjoyed getting the help I needed getting through my exhausting last year of high school. My parents don't have the time to help me when I need it so having Kelsey there to assist me, and always so positive, was a huge help.

I feel significantly more confident because I have learned more skills, and my grades show this. I use to get a mix of A's to C's depending on the subject, but now I get A's almost all the time. I'm writing this months after I finished the program, and I'm still using what I learned from Kelsey. It just works.

I feel way more confident in approaching school with what I learned from Kelsey. The program also made my parents step back and stop nagging, which was one of my favorite parts.

Kelsey and her team are so encouraging and positive. They made working with them very fun because they had a cheerful attitude about approaching things and I could tell they truly wanted me to do the best job possible. Not necessarily for the grades or because my parents wanted me to, but so that I could feel smart and confident. Which I do!

Working with Kelsey and her team was actually enjoyable. They were extremely positive, all the time, and I could tell they actually wanted to see me succeed. They dedicated time to help me understand concepts and were really patient. It was like having a cheerleader in my corner who helped me feel better about myself.

I'm surprised that I actually enjoyed the program. Kelsey and her team really invested a lot of time to help me get through my school year and helped me to do my best in everything. I went from getting B's and C's to mostly A's, and I didn't think I would ever have that.

Absolutely brilliant. Kelsey, her team, and the program aren't like any other tutoring I've done. My advice for other students is to stop thinking you don't need help or trying to do it on your own - let Kelsey help. She really cares and will help you feel and do SO much better.


What did you like best about your Komo experience?

I liked that Komo provided the subject matter experts that he needed (math, chemistry, English essay/A.P. government) but also taught him HOW to learn in all subjects. My son benefited by learning how to use Google calendar to track his assignments, learned to be more organized, following up with emails to teachers to clarify assignments and deadlines. He learned to self-advocate for himself more, and realize he can build skills to improve his situation.

I truly appreciated that each of the people that worked with my daughter took a personal interest in making sure she reached her goals and was successful. Kelsey and her team are so positive and truly cared about helping her self-motivate and encouraging her to do her best.

I loved that this wasn't like tutoring. Kelsey worked with my son on all his subjects and helped him develop a system for learning. His grades went up within a week of starting the program. Honestly, it was kind of unbelievable.

Their team went above and beyond to support our family and son. I can't think of anything they could've done to make the experience better.

Our son worked very well with Kelsey and her team, they had great rapport and trust. They went the extra mile to find a way to connect with our son and make him feel valued and heard.

I loved the support and encouragement Kelsey gave my daughter. My daughter wasn't thrilled to be participating in the program at first, but after the first week I didn't even have to remind her about the calls. She always felt motivated afterwards. I also liked that she would talk about how she was going to use skills later in life, it helped her to see schoolwork not just as something she has to do but something she can use to become more capable outside of school.

Kelsey and the whole Komo team was very positive and encouraging when they talked about and to our daughter. I wasn't sure how to best help her with school, it always came off as nagging. Now I have tools for positive and productive conversations that don't end in fights.

Traditional tutoring


Traditional tutoring assumes that if a student is struggling in a certain subject, they need to get help for THAT particular subject. Struggling with English? Get an English tutor. Hard time in Math? Get a Math tutor.

But guess what? You can’t solve a problem with the thinking that created it. School is subject-specific. Traditional tutoring is just more of the same. It might work in the short-term to pass the next test, but it doesn’t address the root of the issue.


Bringing a stranger into your home to tell kids what they need to know – someone who doesn’t know how your child thinks, who doesn’t get their unique strengths, values and interests – won’t get the best out of them.

Plus, the most qualified tutor on paper often isn’t a good fit in real life. It sucks to watch kids struggle through a tutoring session with someone they obviously don’t click with.



​Most people get tutors when students are “struggling.” Now, this has a whole host of negative implications for mindset and sense of self, but perhaps most dangerous is that it teaches kids that they should only seek help when they’re doing poorly – rather than proactively building their strengths ​while bridging gaps.

Traditional tutoring is used as a bandaid or a cure, which at its core tells our kids it’s because they need to be ​fixed​. This erodes kids’ motivation and engagement and almost always makes them feel stupid or inferior to their classmates.

Ad Hoc

Bringing a tutor in once in a while to help our kids study for a big test or write a certain essay reinforces the superficiality of getting a good grade on the next test. No consistency means no meaningful, sustainable skill-building or growth.

Overall this amounts to expending effort on short-term and short-sighted goals, without a strategy for long-term gains or growth. This is a monumental disservice to the student’s time, energy and potential.

Komo's Student Success Accelerator


We know that barriers to learning and achievement aren’t due to the subject matter of a particular class; they’re due to broader (and much more significant) gaps in the core skills needed to process, understand, manage and communicate information.

Students are not “good” or “bad” at certain subjects; they’re better at applying their core skills to certain subjects over others.



​We build real, authentic rapport with our students. But we’re not tutors in a traditional sense. We’re a new breed of professional: a hybrid educator, mentor, coach and advocate, dedicated entirely to your child’s success in school. Families and schools gain a trusted ally, someone kids and parents can trust and respect.

We help learners introspect to really think about and connect with their strengths, values and interests. They start to understand and step into their best selves, normalizing healthier and more productive patterns.


We help students feel empowered to get ahead, instead of feeling bad for falling behind – they feel smart and learn how to perform to their potential, which improves self-confidence and well-being.

Students get to learn more and stress less, while the whole household can create positive, productive dynamics around school.




Students co-construct their very own learning and achievement plan for thriving in school holistically, with short and long-term goals that excite them. The wins they get from planning those goals and the process of achieving them is motivating and empowering.

The Komo Difference

We teach your child how to learn so that they can hit their academic goals while building the skills they need to thrive on their journey from classroom to career.

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