
From procrastination and late work to focused and productive

Tasha watched her son, Deonte, struggle in school for years. She grew accustomed to calls from teachers, letting her know he had missing assignments.

As high school unfolded, he fell further and further behind. She tried getting him help, tried different programs and schools, but it didn’t really help.

He lost confidence. He felt he wasn’t as smart as the other kids. He fell so far behind that he wasn’t going to graduate high school on time.

In Tasha’s own words:

“I didn’t really know what to do. I didn’t understand what my son needed to adjust to….and he struggled his entire education. I was always getting calls from teachers that Deonte wasn’t turning in this or that.

It affected me out of shame…what did I do as a Mom? Was I not more on top of things, did I not push him more…? There was shame and embarrassment that my son is 18, he’s a senior, and he’s not going to graduate on time.”

Fast forward a few months. Tasha’s son just had the best weeks of his entire academic career, feels smart and confident AND is earning A’s.

This happened because her son decided he was ready to learn how to learn. We partnered with them both to make sure he had the skills and strategies to do and feel his very best.

What happened when he got the skills he needed to succeed?

“I stopped getting phone calls from teachers telling me his work was overdue. I was like ‘are you turning in all your work? Your teachers aren’t calling me…’ and he’s like ‘YEA I am, it’s all in my calendar!’ Internally, he was really digesting what he was learning and starting to FEEL the difference. Komo isn’t about school. It’s life lessons that are going to make life better for him.”

Take a watch here to hear from Tasha directly how she helped her son see just how capable he really is.

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The Komo Difference

We teach your child how to learn so that they can hit their academic goals while building the skills they need to thrive in school and as self-motivated, resourceful young adults in college and their career.

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